Black friday la haine pe SheIn/ Black Friday for clothes on SheIn
Black Friday pe care l-am asteptat atata, a venit in sfarsit. El aduce reduceri foarte mari la hainele de dama si eu am sa va prezint oferta de pe SheIn, magazinul cu haine ieftine pentru femei si cu transport gratuit international la comenzi de peste 30$.
Pana pe 30 noiembrie, transportul este gratuit si avem reduceri suplimentare de 40%, 50%, sau 60%, in functie de valoarea totala a comenzii, asa cum se poate vedea si in poza de mai jos. Spre exemplu, pentru comenzile de peste 159$, aplicam codul bf50 si vom avea o reducere de 50% la pretul initial al produselor.
Am ochit si eu patru produse pe care sigur le voi cumpara pentru ca sunt frumoase si au preturi bune. Am ales aceasta haina alb negru, peste genunchi, care se leaga cu cordon in talie. Cred ca este calduroasa si foarte moderna si se potriveste de minune cu acesti pantaloni slim din imitatie de piele si cu acest colier vintage cu medalion camera foto. La ele am sa adaug si aceste ghete negre cu platforma si toc gros si e gata tinuta mea de plimbare pentru aceasta iarna. Aplicand codul de reducere, le cumpar cu vreo 10 dolari mai ieftin. Se merita sa iti cumperi haine de Black Friday!
Finally, Black Friday is here and we can enjoy the low prices for clothes we love. Today I will show you some cheap clothes from SheIn, an international online store with free shipping worldwide for orders over 30$. Here is their new promotion.
From now until november 30, shipping is free for all orders and we can get amazing discounts of 40%, 50% or 60%, dependind on the order’s value, as you can see in the image. For example, if your order is over 159$, you can use bf50 code and you’ll get 50% discount from the initial price.
I laid my eyes on four item and I will buy them because they are not just beautiful, but they are very cheap also. I like this Black White coat with plaid belt. I think it’s very warm and fashionable and will look great with these Black PU Leather Slim Pant and this vintage Black Camera Necklace. Also I will add to my cart these Black Zipper Pierced Chunky Heel Boots with chunky heels and almond toe. Using the code I told you about, I get a discount of 10$ or so. I love shopping on Blaf Friday!
Shopping carnival for you!
Once in a year!
Don’t miss it!
Free shipping foy you!
Take 40% OFF Over US$59 Code:bf40
Take 50% OFF Over US$159 Code:bf50
Take 60% OFF Over US$299 Code:bf60
Ends: November/30
here: Black Friday